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The Man With the Ice Blue Eyes

The Man with the Ice Blue Eyes debuted at number one on July 13, 2016 on Amazon in the category of Women’s Poetry!

Who is “The Man with the Ice Blue Eyes?” Does he exist? If you have ever experienced the euphoria or the pain of unrequited love then yes he does exist. Very much so. For in these magnetic ice blue eyes lies the deep and abiding passion that resonates within all our hearts. He lives in the secret place where we hold our pain and our deepest and most secret love. We wait for those compelling, haunting eyes to come find us and take us away.
Feel the eyes on you, and be swept away by the dreams of love, that are euphoric, and yes almost maddening. For in the end isn’t love at any cost, the only thing that matters?

C. Aug

This is a powerful collection of poems about our search for romantic love and its ups and downs. Sometimes the passion is eternal and sometimes it ends in heartache. Be prepared to experience a range of emotions as your personal memories are stirred and the deepest corner of your soul is touched. The graphics are beautiful as well.

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