Don’t be Afraid of Fifty
I wrote this book because I was afraid of fifty. I was afraid of what it represented, not only in the number, but seeing it as life being half over and not having achieved what was always my true heart’s desire (writing of course). Of just working along and always knowing there was more of me and more things that needed to be done and just never believing in myself enough to make it happen. So then fifty came along in my life, and the fear that I was not doing or believing in myself enough to take to task my deep true love of writing.
Enough so to reach beyond my fears and write the book that turned out to be a catharsis for me and gave me the strength and voice to reach out to want to help others try to find a happier course of life. The twelve step process to fifty is just that, twelve life steps to turning fifty and the importance of love, friendship, compassion and empowerment.
The book is a process, my process and yours too. Take the journey and along the way find the strength and courage to be who you truly want to be!

Don’t Be Afraid of Fifty is a book about life. It’s not just for women or for those of us seeking to overcome our struggles, though it will help you do that. Lisa Samia delivers with her gift of words and charismatic style — sage advice. This book is honest, compassionate, and practical!
Although I am not fifty (yet) , I bought this book for my friend who just turned fifty and she raves about it ! She just recently glowed as she began telling me the premise and just from her reaction, I am giving this book a five star rating!! Way to go Lisa! Oh and by the way, my friend’s name is Lisa too!! ;-)
Wanda O,
The Tweve-Step Process to turning Fifty, I think this is an exceptional book wheather you of turning Twenty, Thirty, Forty, or Fifty.This book is geared more toward Women turning Fify.This book gives you the break down of Life Journey for Woman and Man getting to this stage of Life.Beginning with the first step process to turning Fifty. Letting go of the Past and Focusing on the Present and Future, Turning negative energy into positive thinking. Be happy with your Life, Love your Spouse and Family.

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